HoloLens 2 + Sketchfab


Download the following:

Create an account in Sketchfab (free).

Setting Up 3D Model

  1. Have your model ready in Revit then head to the Lumion plugin tab

  2. Use Lumion Plugin's "Export" button to export in COLLADA (.dae): Click here to install.

  1. Click on "Export" and save it to your desired location.

Blender Scripting

  1. Open Blender 3D and open the exported model. You will see that the model's textures are all black or transparent. We will change that using a code script.

  2. Switch to the Scripting Workspace.

  1. Click the [+ New] button in the text editor to create a new text data-block.

  1. Copy the code from below and paste it into the text editor.

import bpy
for mat in bpy.data.materials:
    if hasattr(mat.node_tree, "nodes"):
        for node in mat.node_tree.nodes:
            if node.type == 'BSDF_PRINCIPLED':
                for input in node.inputs:
                    if input.name == 'Alpha':
                        input.default_value = 1
  1. Run the Python script by clicking on the green play button.

  1. Once Blender is done running the script, the model should show its original colors as seen in Revit. Export to .fbx, .obj, or .dae. Recommend .dae for maintaining textures.

Uploading to Sketchfab

  1. Upload to Sketchfab. You can use a free account to do this.

  2. Open your HoloLens 2 with the Sketchfab app logged into your account.

  3. Done! All you have to do now is to open your model uploaded and you can see it in augmented reality.

Last updated